发布时间:2016-04-28   访问次数:5476   作者:

职称: 教授
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     2007-2008 瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院能源工业实验室 博士后
     1999-2002 环球体育官方网站化学工艺专业 博士
     1996-1999 抚顺石油学院分析化学专业 硕士

     2014-至今 环球体育官方网站 教授、博士生导师
     2013-2014 环球体育官方网站 教授
     2004-2013 环球体育官方网站 副教授
     2002-2004 环球体育官方网站 讲师

     中国生物质能学术委员会 委员

     1. 生物质水解制取糖或糠醛等平台化合物
     2. 生物质裂解制生物油及生物油的提质
     3. 生物质热化学转化制氢

     [1] Suping Zhang*, Zhenqi Chen, Qinjie Cai, Ding Ding, The integrated process for hydrogen production from biomass, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41: 6653-6661
     [2] Zhiyuan Chen, Suping Zhang*, Zhenqi Chen, Ding Ding, An integrated process for hydrogen-rich gas production from cotton stalks: the simultaneous gasification of pyrolysis gases and char in an entrained flow bed reactor, Bioresource and Technology, 2015, 198: 586-592
     [3] Gang Wang, Suping Zhang*, Wenjuan Xu, Wei Qi, Yongjie Yan, Qingli Xu, Efficient saccharification by pretreatment of bagasse pith with ionic liquid and acid solutions simultaneously, Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 89: 120–126
     [4] Shanling Li, Suping Zhang*, Zhanyuan Feng, Yongjie Yan, Coke formation in the catalytic cracking of bio-oil model compounds, Environmental Progress and sustainable energy, 2015, 34(1): 240-247
     [5] Zhong Ma, Suping Zhang*, Dengyin Xie, Yongjie Yan, A novel integrated process for hydrogen production from biomass, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2014, 39 (3): 1274-1279
     [6] Shanling Li, Suping Zhang*, Zhanyuan Feng, Characterization of the coke in the co-processing of bio-oil and paraffin oil, Environmental Progress and sustainable energy, 2014, 33(4): 1373-1379
     [7] Zhong Ma, Suping Zhang*, Dengyin Xie, Hydrogen production from bio-char via steam gasification in fluidized bed reactor, Chemical Engineering and Technology, 2013, 36(9): 1599-1602
     [8] Bianfang Lu, Suping Zhang*, Gang Wang, Acid pretreatment of bagasse pith at low temperature with steam-assisted heating,J. Renewable Sustainable Energy, 2013, 5, 043125


     1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51176049,生物油与石油馏分共炼制的积碳研究,2012-2015,已结题,主持。
     2. 国家863项目探索类课题,2009AA05Z402,生物油分级共炼制技术的研究与开发,2009-2011,已结题,主持。
     3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,50506010,生物质聚集态酸催化解聚机理研究,2006-2008,已结题,主持。
     4. 教育部新世纪优秀人才,2011年,NCET-11-0642,生物质能。